It is seen that nowadays most of the people simply decorate their living room but don’t want to spend time there. With the help of a reliable interior designer you can make make a living room that both your guests and your family will not only admire but actually enjoy.

Just follow these simple tips to decorate your simple/boring living room:

  1. Have a Plan: Whether you are decorating a room or re-decorating it, it is very important to have a plan first. Make a list of the furnishers you need to purchase along with any larger accessories or any artwork that you want to include, whether there is window or door space or not. You’ll also need to decide on a budget, and what items would be worth a splurge and which other are less of a priority. 
  2. Create a room that has a welcoming feel and is attractive: Welcoming feel will depend on overall vibes of that space. Attractive colors, proper furniture placement and proportional decorating will create a space that feels right, not tight. 
  3. Focus on a tightly edited furniture selectionAs it Is always seen that too many furniture (table or chairs) clutter the space. If you can’t walk through the area with ease or have trouble opening any drawers or cabinets, you probably need to remove extra furniture. 
  4. Use art but don’t overlook the value of white spaceArtwork or wall-paintings is a important element for adding attractive vibe in your living room. Having enough blank wall space around a focal piece of art makes it attractive than if it is crowded with numerous pieces of wall art.  

These tips can help you focus on making your living room a true “living room.” And that stiff and formal look? Planning doesn’t have to mean spending an enormous amount of money. Actually, a good plan will save you money in the long run. LA Interior will help you with making your Interior best.